Walking a part of the Danish Camino

I was very surprised to learn that there is a Camino route going through Denmark. And its pretty long, almost a thousand kilometers all together.

So in early August 2022 I decided to try it out together with my brother. We took of on a sunny day from Helsingør (Elsingore). We walked out of the city and into the countryside. We went through forests, open landscapes and villages, including historical sites such as St Jakobs Chapel and Gurre Slotsruin (picture below)

We arrived around 16:00 at our first destination in the village of Tikøb and a small B&B slightly off the official route, but this was the only accommodation that made sense given our plans for the 4 day trip.

On day 2 we took off quite aiming for Esrum Abbey, one of the oldest monastries in Denmark founded 1151. We stopped there fore a nice lunch before continuing around Esrum Lake and we arrived at a shelter mid afternoon where we had planned to spend the night. To our good fortune, the shelter was free and we had really good time there with an open fire grilling sausages and vegetables that we had brought.

During the night it started to rain and we started the third day in ponchos, walking in the rain towards Fredensborg which was actually another de-route to try out the local restaurant, Fredensborg Store Kro. In the afternoon, the rain had stopped and we had a very beautiful walk through Grønholt and Hillerød Store Dyrehave before arriving at our stayover destination, Hillerød Vandrerhjem.

The last day of the trip from Hillerød to Furesøen in Farum was quite long but also not very challenging so we arrived at our destination before 15:00, just in time for a late lunch at Restaurant Furesøbad.

Compared to the routes I have walked at Camino Norte in Spain, this route was quite easy – but very beautiful indeed, offering plenty of time to reflect and enjoy nature.

Me and my brother